
Friday, September 28, 2018

Relief worker poster

This is a poster for Behala Dumpsite and it is for Relief works who want to go and help the people in Behala. They want to do this so they can teach them math, reading, writing and spelling. I made this poster to spread the idea round so more and more people will feel like they will want to help and donate money or even help.

Monday, September 24, 2018


This is my speech and the topic was How can i contribute to make the world a better place.
I did my one on the ocean and how the fishing, pollution and global warming was effecting us

Animal Health app

This is an app that me and Angus made for our business.  We can enter our data straight into out app!  Have a look at our graph.

Click here to go to app

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Blog post

This my improve work on the dogs post I did a while ago and I added more idea and more info about the post