
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Rugby Animation

This is a Stop Motion animation that me me and more friend tom made.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

stop moition

This is a different type of stop motion animation

Friday, November 9, 2018

Marimba Festival

On wednesday we went to the Marimba Festival and played music, swam and had fish and chip for dinner.  We stay at a papamoa and played on the bounce billow. At the Festival there was about 120 kids  On Wednesday we went to the Marimba Festival and played music, swam and had fish and chip for dinner.  We stay at a Papamoa and play on the bounce billow. At the Festival there was about 120 kids  and lots and lot of instruments. It was really fun 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Term 4 goals

This is my term 4 goals that I have set and that I will be working on for the rest of the term

Friday, September 28, 2018

Relief worker poster

This is a poster for Behala Dumpsite and it is for Relief works who want to go and help the people in Behala. They want to do this so they can teach them math, reading, writing and spelling. I made this poster to spread the idea round so more and more people will feel like they will want to help and donate money or even help.

Monday, September 24, 2018


This is my speech and the topic was How can i contribute to make the world a better place.
I did my one on the ocean and how the fishing, pollution and global warming was effecting us

Animal Health app

This is an app that me and Angus made for our business.  We can enter our data straight into out app!  Have a look at our graph.

Click here to go to app

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Blog post

This my improve work on the dogs post I did a while ago and I added more idea and more info about the post

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Dogs by Harry and Angus

This is some work about dog That me and my friend Angus did

Friday, August 17, 2018

Science Projects

This is my science project and I did on solar electric fencers. I did It because I wanted to know whether if you put a solar panel under the sun or under the shade and see which one has got the most energy to charge a electric fence. I found that the shade solar panel was better than the sun solar panel and it was way more consistent then the other solar panel. I like going down at 9 o'clock for the first night then started to hate it because it was really annoying when you were tied. I am still wondering if the would keep the consistency if I left if for long.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


This is the book we are reading for this term Here are my question for the book

Monday, July 30, 2018

Term 3 goals

This is my term 3 goals

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Voki about blog

This is my voki for a quality blog comment we made a character and  made it say something that we want to work on or get better what.
Here is the link

Monday, June 11, 2018

Whangara Farm trip

Whangara Farm trip

We have been learning about seed and doing test in class to find how they grow and what agls they grow on best. So we went up to a farm that is doing test and triling how they grow so they can use the best for there stock.

They have a tester doing all the scientific stuff that is involved in the planting and the way they do it to prevent the bad grass and pasture but get all the good stuff.  She does stuff like check an weather monter and put cages on bites of grass then leave it for two week then they measure the grass, then they move it to other spot and have a look there .

They also have their own nursery were they grow poplars and willow for a couple of year then they cut one of the main poles and then they go and push it into a part of the farm. Th farm owners hobby is to do this so his farm does not fall apart.  The root hold the ground together so there in not really any slips around when there are trees. The poplars like dry steep places and the willow like the wet and by the river

I like going and doing our test so we can go and figure out if our seed would do the same as the farm environment. I also like looking at the cages and seeing if they made a difference to the grass and hammering the nails in so that the cages would stay there .

I am still wondering if the dirt and fertilizer make a difference to the type of grass or if you need a special type of fertilizer to grow the plants.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Green house

We have been working on greenhouses in class so we can test and find out what type of seed and grass work best not only for growing the animals to get healthy and fat ,we are working on what grow the best in what conditions and what angles they grow best on. I also enjoyed to making the green house because we bring our materials from home  so we can make it more stable and better.  First most group made one with the stuff mrs hall brang and then end up just making it at their home because it did not work making it with what they have got. I leant about all the stuff that greenhouse do to help the plants grow and how it affect how they grows more protection.  I am still wondering if the green house we made can hold any weather  that come because it is really light.

Clover reasheserch

In class we have been study seed especially clover we have read stories to learn nitrogen and nogles. we also have been learning about how clover production nitrogon to help it grow fast and healthy.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Tarndale Slip

This is the work we did around The Tarndale Slip and Whirikoko and he place and all the landmarks from the place he live.

Maths Grid results.

This is my overall results for are math grid we do every week on time tables. I graph them on what time I get. There is also a score out of 100 graph.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Term 2 Goals

This is my term two goals. We write goals every week to set stuff that we need to complete by the end of the week.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Anzac Projets

Here is my anzac post that we did to remember the anzacs that fort in war. we read book and whach clips to find out more about anzac and what they did in the war.
I learnt that when they go out of there trenchers there is one person left guarding the trenchers and if one of there men comes back they will get shot.  I wonder if the anzacs had a fancy trencher like the germans.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Anzac biscuits - 11/04/18

I really like to eat the Anzac biscuits they were very yum to eat I really enjoyed it I can't wait to eat the rest!
Please read to the end

Ice Skating

I really enjoyed Ice Skating again It really hurt falling over I will have a few bruises but it was worth it

Monday, April 9, 2018

Camp 2018 Whangara - Kiwis

This is our camp movie that we made after we went on camp so we could show our parents and family the cool stuff the we did on camp that we think you will like. Hope you like it  

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Goal of the Week

Here are my goals for term 1. Each week we write up a our goals for the week, we reflect on a quote, then we reflect on the week and our goal that we set the week before. Then we write some goals for the week, This is also part of writing we do it on monday at the so we have time to do them. The quote give us idea to help us with ideas and has some really strong meaning to them.