
Monday, June 11, 2018

Whangara Farm trip

Whangara Farm trip

We have been learning about seed and doing test in class to find how they grow and what agls they grow on best. So we went up to a farm that is doing test and triling how they grow so they can use the best for there stock.

They have a tester doing all the scientific stuff that is involved in the planting and the way they do it to prevent the bad grass and pasture but get all the good stuff.  She does stuff like check an weather monter and put cages on bites of grass then leave it for two week then they measure the grass, then they move it to other spot and have a look there .

They also have their own nursery were they grow poplars and willow for a couple of year then they cut one of the main poles and then they go and push it into a part of the farm. Th farm owners hobby is to do this so his farm does not fall apart.  The root hold the ground together so there in not really any slips around when there are trees. The poplars like dry steep places and the willow like the wet and by the river

I like going and doing our test so we can go and figure out if our seed would do the same as the farm environment. I also like looking at the cages and seeing if they made a difference to the grass and hammering the nails in so that the cages would stay there .

I am still wondering if the dirt and fertilizer make a difference to the type of grass or if you need a special type of fertilizer to grow the plants.


  1. A great blog post, Harry! I enjoyed the day also even though it was a little cold! I hope our seeds do the same as theirs! They were growing fast weren't they? We sure got some good tips from the trip!

  2. Mmm, I like your wonderings Harry, let me know how you get on!


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